Friday, December 14, 2007

The Golden Compass

It is a fun movie.

Kid hero, good movie for the kids.








Thursday, December 13, 2007
















Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Key to a sucessful Marriage


been married for 31 years, a son and daughter both happily married with children.

He wished me good-luck. For sure I needed his luck, and it is so nice of him to give me some pointers.

He said, the key is "short-memory"

Never let me go - Kath

Kath is a righteous, considerate and generous. She is a tall, thin girl with a big heart. Her life was born so limited, yet she took time to explore life, friendship, loyalty, sendse of rightness, love till end.

Kath is cloned.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Book Club

Girl Friends

Finding April

漂洋过海,寻找自己,答应过自己要stay positive no matter what.相信不管身在何处,平静祥和的心灵终是自己的家。

New year's resolution


生命长了一岁,自己也似乎成熟了一些, 优雅了一些,希望如此。



I promised myself

Found from internet. 心有戚戚焉。

附:Her signature is an abstract of the famous pray:
I Promised Myselfby Christina D. Larson.

Today and everyday of my eternal life, I promise myself to be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person I meet.
To make my friends feel that there is something beautiful in each one of them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true. To think only the best and expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
To forgive and forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievement of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature I meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of myself that I have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry,
too noble for anger,
too strong for fear,
too happyto permit the presence of trouble.
And so it is!"

答 应自己 克里斯顿·拉尔森 答应自己—— 将如此坚强,任何东西都不能扰乱内心的静谧 和见到的每一个人谈到的都是关于健康 幸福和舒畅 让所有的朋友都感到各有所长 任何事物都能窥见其光明的一面 使你的快乐信条处处应验 只想令人快感的事情仅盼最让人欣慰的结局 对别人的成功像对自己的成功报以同样的欢呼 忘却以往的过失,义无返顾的争取更大的建树 将永远面带一种愉悦向所有遇到的生灵送上一份可心的笑意 将如此忙于完善自己,而无暇对他人吹毛求疵 将过于豁达,不会忧郁 过于高贵,不屑动气 过于硬朗,不知畏惧 过于快活,不容心存芥蒂

King Kong

超喜欢这个简单执著的爱情故事。没有人间的事故。爱上了,就不再放弃,不再改变,哪怕死去, 也死得甘愿,死的幸福。


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Birth of April

On baggage

On baggage

ith the increase of wisdom, the baggage on our bag is heavier. But when our baggage is heavier, has our wisdom been increased to?

As the saying goes, "after a setback, one grows wiser". "Wiser" here means he would not take the risk as earlier. If you had failed from a long-distance relationship, you would never start anther long-distance relationship even all other factors meet?

So the same shall hold true, "the elder, the less brave". Everybody has been presented with certain opportunities, what makes the difference is that the really wise ones recongnized opportunties and grasped them.

The wise ones had looked over the setbacks and see the hope at the destination. Yet, the ordinary ones stayed where they were and lost one more change to make himself a better life. There baggague make you less aggressive, less energetic, and hence less wiser. One shall also learn to the baggage as the growth of years, and continue to march to the goal that has been set.

Like stock, past ROI does not guarantee future Similiarly, past setbacks does not mean you will not reach the goal that you always wanted.

Don't Lose Faith

Steve Job said in one of his speeches,

“Sometimes life’s going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith”.

So don't lose faith, stay focused as always. Once you survive from a disaster, you are tougher and blessings will be coming on your way

Men are parallet circuit, women are serial circuit

Our life, just like everybody else’s, has ups-and-downs. When the life-journey of the two people gets a little bumpy, whether due to the rotten work, or the spoiled relationship, or whatnot, it’s a sign that something needs to be sorted out.

While Tim and I were working through the recent issue we had, I felt there is a fundamental difference between how men and women function. And, the different unfortunately often exaggerates the tricky situation rather then dwindle it.

Men generally function like a parallel circuit – the mind, heart and body runs their own course. No interference and unnecessary dependencies.

Men’s inherent insensitivity often either shields them from recognizing a problem most of the time or lends them a convenient escape from facing the problem.

In addition, men are naturally born hunters, aggressive, competitive and possessive. The idea of sharing common experience and emotions does not appeal to their so-called male ego. So, they usually don’t talk to each other at personal level. It’s not because they don’t have the need, it’s because they are scared to death to expose their own weakness to other male hunters. That’s why sometimes the stress from a demanding job, the frustration in the relationship, the gains or loss from the stock market greatly increases their desire to have sex. Why? Sex serves as relieving avenue for the repressed feeling, be it stress or happiness.

As of women, we function like a serial circuit – if any one component is burnt out, the whole thing does not work at all. Not just that part of our body surrounding the specific item. It’s the entire us – mind plus heart plus body. Our life is a recipe, then any one ingredient being bad will spoil the entire pot. In order for us to function again, we need to sort the problem out. Not tomorrow, not a bit later. We need to talk about it right now and right here.

According to the extensive survey I have conducted with all my girlfriends, nothing drives us more nuts than our boyfriend/husband take a passive role in a fight. If you think avoiding us can help us calm down, I will tell you that you are wrong. When we are upset, or feeling mistreated, we need a sounding board, a pair of attentive ears, a focused mind on the issue, a caring heart to spoil us, a warm chest for us to lean on and cry the heart out, a strong pair of arms to hold us, a kiss, and a “I am sorry” in the end, even though you might still be angry at us, or it’s not your fault at all…

In return, we will make it up for our men.